David Gergen one of the pioneers in this industry refused to shut down due to COVID-19. David aligned his best techs including himself, Chris, Bill, Dave, Johnny, Jack, Lennon and Rouen and quarantined them to the lab. David took all the precautionary measures per the CDC, to make sure his team and the appliances made where safe. David Gergen will make sure the COVID-19 doesn’t spread under his watch. David Gergen, sanitizes the lab on an hourly basis from the floor to the ceiling. Gergen’s uses an Iodoform concentrate to ensure safety and cleanliness. Since David Gergen has staged his comeback into the lab full time, not only has he brought the quality back he also is getting the appliances done at a unprecedent rate. David is really proud of how hard the team has worked during the uncertain times. Gergen’s Ortho really took charge and leads by example how to buckle down and get things done. David Gergen values hard work and dedication so Gergen’s Ortho can fabricate the best appliances possible with a quicker turn around. Contact us today so we can assist you with all your ortho and sleep needs.