I am Dr. Kravitz and have been wanting to expand my dental practice in these hard times. I also want to make sure I can offer a solution that will help my patients live a better and healthier life. This is why I joined the ASBA ( American Sleep and Breathing Academy ). I use Gergen’s orthodontic lab for all TMJ Splints, Bionators, functionals and retainers.
I recently visited the site Gergen’s website and realized they do sleep medicine. I spoke to David Gergen about the advancement in sleep medicine. I wasn’t surprised to find out David Gergen worked hand in hand with the Icon’s the founders of dental sleep medicine Dr. Ricketts and Dr Spiegel.
During our conversation David answered all my questions plus more. This is why the ASBA has such and advantage. Not only does David have first-hand working knowledge of sleep medicine he is still manufacturing appliances himself to make sure the Gergen’s quality remains highest in the anywhere.
David not only gave me the confidence I needed to start offering sleep medicine, he also held my hand through the entire process. Sleep medicine in itself is another animal and they didn’t go over it in dental school. I am writing this letter as pure gratitude to David Gergen and his incredible in-depth knowledge that he shared willingly. He also sent Phonetic Bite Dr Ricketts developed back in 80’s
Dr. Ricketts believed in taking a bite while the jaw naturally comes off the eminence. He originally did this using a numbering system. This is used to find the vertical and A.P
To find the vertical position have the patient sit straight up and count from 55-75. Make sure they count evenly and steady. You will be watching for their maximum vertical opening. Fives, eights, and nines are most common.
I learned along the way finding the A.P. distance using words was adopted. Originally the number 66 was used, but didn’t always work. Alternatively, the words Mississippi, Ohio, the “f” sound, is the most effective. When “n” is added, as in shun, it often gives the most protrusive position as well as the most vertical in a natural eminence.
Using these techniques will give you a high success rate in catching a proper phonetic sleep bite while keeping the jaw in a natural state.
I highly suggest you join the ASBA and use Gergen Ortho for all Sleep and Ortho work