David Gergen in his role as executive director of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy has turned his focus to educating dentists who have an interest in treating patients with sleep apnea. This area if treatment has many highly nuanced areas however the areas of education can be easily broken down into 4 main categories.
- How can the dental practice identify patients at risk of sleep apnea
- How can the dental practice qualify patients with sleep apnea for the services I provide
- What are the techniques and tools required for the dentist to treat the patients obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- How can the dental office get paid for the treatment provided
It seems that as the field grows the number of answers to the above questions become more difficult to get. David Gergen has often lamented the lack of objective non vendor sponsored training. Many of the weekend courses that are offered around the country sell out of date equipment or simply do not stick to the literature. The American Sleep and Breathing academy is focused on evidence based, non commercial team training and is on record as the fastest growing sleep academy in the country. Read the material below and I will see you at the meeting in April.
April 15-16, Scottsdale, AZ. It is time to register for the most engaging sleep meeting of the year. In under 30 days the American Sleep and Breathing Academy ‘ASBA’ will host its sixth annual Sleep & Wellness conference; each meeting larger than the year prior.
The ASBA is the first inclusive sleep academy, meaning we want all of our members to be certified by us as competent providers and practicing in the medical model. The Academy is home to the most successful dentists practicing sleep in the country. At our annual conference you will have an opportunity to hear from industry powerhouses such as Dr. Erin Elliott, the current ASBA President, who was not even on the sleep radar four years ago, however in a short time, has become one of the most recognizable Dentists in the industry.
The conference will feature Dr. Rod Willey, the single most successful dentist in the industry, who still holds the national record for billing 106 cases in a single month; the head of a 3.5 million dollar a year, stand alone, sleep practice. Rod is going to give you a step by step cook book for success. Congressman Marty Russo who will be speaking on how oral appliance reimbursement is increasing with the U.S Government while C-PAP reimbursement has been decreased by another 25%. More importantly, he will be discussing what this means for the industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet David Gergen, who is putting dentists with NFL greats around the country for treatment of OSA. Just last month, Gergen’s public awareness event, in Phoenix, AZ, was attended by over 3000 people to learn about treatment of OSA. The office made over 260 appointments. In addition to these VIP guests that you’re able to learn from, chronic care management opportunities will be presented by Dr. Miller. All this is only available to members of the ASBA.
Dr. Kent Smith who, at one time, paid $180,000 a year on radio marketing ads to generate 20 patients a month. Kent’s new philosophy is to use chronic care, and an integrated system with medical specialists in his area, to generate over 30 appliances a month. This frees up time and resources to allow Kent to take lavish vacations to Italy and enjoy more time with his family while the practice continues to grow. Kent will share his valuable insights on the success of a dental practice at the ASBA meeting. While all this may seem overwhelming for any greenhorn in the industry, fortunately the annual meeting has something for you as well. There will be staff training for intro to sleep, medical billing, and one on one time with doctors for intro to sleep. Doctors who, just three years ago, were in your shoes and are now making an honest and rewarding living with ASBA training.
Dr. Kevin Mueller will teach you how to restore a sleep case, how to take a proper sleep bite and, through restorative dentistry, eliminate
the need for oral appliances. His revolutionary process and successful outcomes have made Kevin one of the top sleep doctors in the world. This is a rare opportunity for you to learn from a true expert in the industry. His 30 years of experience personally trained by Dr. Robert Rickets and Dr. Ed Spiegel puts Kevin a whole other league.
What makes the ASBA different?
The ASBA is truly the cream of the crop when it comes to Sleep Apnea Training. Our 700+ ASBA members are all being walked thru the process step by step to ensure they are ALL seeing a large number of oral appliance patients per month. How do we ensure this happens? The ASBA has study clubs that meet every other month. This helps to ensure that our members are learning from the most successful sleep dentists in the country. To be a mentor at one of these study clubs, you must have, at least, a 1.5 million dollar per year sleep practice. Having the opportunity to learn from these mentors at these study clubs helps to maximize your success.
Chronic Care Management: what is it?
For a dentist, it’s an opportunity to bring something to the physicians where they can have residual income and a built in mechanism for oral appliance therapy.
ASBA Diplomat status
As a member, you have an opportunity for diplomacy with the ASBA. The credentialing doctors are Paul Van Walleghem, Professor Peter Chase of the University Pacific, and Professor Kevin Mueller of Midwestern University.
“Truth is, there are not enough competent providers of Dental Sleep Medicine in this country, and the ASBA is correcting that problem. The ASBA is an academy for the most experienced sleep doctors as well as the greenhorns in the industry” – Paul Van Walleghem DDS, FAGD, DABDSM, DASBA
More information regarding criteria and testing can be found HERE
Book your rooms for the annual meeting as soon as possible to lock in the $184 rate. The date is fast approaching and rooms are going quickly. They will double in price in the next few weeks. Links to book your room as well as to the ASBA website are:
ASBA site:
Registration Members $395 non Members $895 :