David Gergen, President of Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) and Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab, is heavily involved with legendary NFL greats and spreading sleep apnea awareness throughout communities by taking these players to the general public on the national campaign titled “Tackling Sleep Apnea.” Using player names to attract fans was a bold risk that has paid off with hundreds of people already treated and over 160 former NFL players as well.
“Spreading awareness at these events and screenings and through radio and television has been wonderful. I believe by spreading awareness we can save lives,” said Gergen. The events hosted by Pro Player Health Alliance are co-sponsored byGergen’s Orthodontic Lab who will provide free oral appliances to qualified attendees. The goal of the event and national campaign titled “Tackling Sleep Apnea” is to generate as much awareness about sleep apnea and encourage attendees to get tested and diagnosed.
Pro Player Health Alliance member, Mark Walczak, suffered from severe OSA and went through David Gergen, President of Pro Player Health Alliance, to get treated. Mark is one of the most popular players among the guys from the NFLPA Phoenix, AZ Chapter and is liked by everyone he comes in contact with. Since meeting Mr. Gergen they have become very good friends. “I lost my best friend Junior Seau from the effects of this condition and I am trying to spread awareness to save lives,” said Walczak.
Super Bowl champion Derek Kennard was also saved by Pro Player Health Alliance and has since lost over 100 pounds. Both Mark and Derek are heavily involved in spreading awareness to the public and players across the country. To follow Pro Player Health Alliance and learn more about coming events, visit http://www.proplayersleep.org.
About Pro Player Health Alliance
Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) is an organization dedicated to helping former NFL players, through providing testing and treatment options for those who suffer from sleep apnea. In addition, the PPHA is dedicated to integrating education and raising sleep apnea awareness, in a fun and memorable way. In addition to the campaign, the PPHA is dedicated to testing and getting people treated who suffer from sleep apnea. The PPHA was created by David Gergen and Former NFL legends.
About David Gergen
As President of Pro Player Health Alliance, he has been a nationally respected dental lab technician for over 25 years. He received the award for “The Finest Orthodontic Technician in the Country” given by Columbus Dental in 1986. He also has been appointed chair of the dental wing of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, a national interdisciplinary academy dedicated to sleep training and education with over 60,000 members. He has worked for some of the pioneers in the orthodontic and sleep dentistry fields. One of his proudest achievements is receiving The National Leadership award for Arizona Small Businessman of the Year in 2004.