Sleep Group Solutions and David Gergen unite with former NFL Superstars to raise awareness of sleep apnea while sharing personal experiences with the deadly disorder
It’s been 30 years in the making, David Gergen an expert in oral appliance therapy, and owner of Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab has found an interesting and conducive way to raise awareness of the deadly disorder, sleep apnea. Teaming up with NFL greats such as Derek Kennard, Stu Voigt, Mike Haynes and Carl Eller to speak with fans who suffer with snoring and sleep apnea has quickly become an event worth talking about. Creating the Pro Player Health Alliance, has brought a new wave of awareness to the public by NFL greats sharing personal struggles, experiences and losses with sleep apnea.
“The Pro Player Health Alliance is an incredible organization out to help those who suffer from sleep apnea. Working with sleep apnea patients, I know how easy it can be to treat this disorder and our organization has already had a huge positive impact on many.” mentions David Gergen, founder of Pro Player Health Alliance. The organization has held several free events around the country to teach the public about the dangers of snoring and sleep apnea, as well as treatment options available. “Co-creator of the PPHA, Rani Ben-David from Sleep Group Solutions, has been a driving force in our momentum as his company is use to putting together seminars and events on sleep apnea awareness. Together with the former NFL players, we are able to draw a captive audience and offer free home sleep testing to all attendees, to ensure everyone will get tested and seek treatment!”
A majority of attendees report snoring, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, irritability, high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes, these are all serious health issues that are linked to sleep apnea. Derek Kennard, former NFL Lineman can relate to many members in the audience. “I would wake up tired, blood shot eyes, irritable and I found it very hard to focus during practice. All I could think about was sleeping, I knew I had a serious problem.” reports Derek Kennard. Mr. Kennard lost his brother Donald Kennard in 2009, he passed in his sleep due to sleep apnea. “I wish I met David Gergen sooner, I feel he could have saved my brothers life by making him an oral appliance for his sleep apnea.”
To follow the Pro Player Health Alliance and to attend the next sleep apnea event to learn more about sleep apnea, log onto http://www.proplayersleep.org. For more information on sleep apnea treatment options, log onto SleepGS.com.
About Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab
Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab specialize in fabricating orthodontic appliances such as TMJ Splints, Flippers, and Retainers, as well as all types of functional appliances such as the Respire, Herbst, Bionators, and Twin Blocks. Most successful businesses and their customers will readily agree that such long-term dedication invariably results in a highly trained and fully competent team that produces work of consistently exceptional quality. The Gergen’s staff does just that as we provide complete service in every phase of design and fabrication of our appliances for the orthodontist and general dentist.